Saturday, September 29, 2007

All of Life

I have been thinking a lot lately on the concept of all of life being one of repentance. This has really been on my mind since I presented a discussion on Martin Luther's 95 Theses in my Reformation class. The first of these these said that all of life should be repentance instead of just ceremonial penances that the Church of the day practiced.

This has me thinking of a lot of things that I need to personally repent of and just take to the Cross. I realize that my pride will often prevent me from doing this and in doing so I allow my love of being right and love of sin to take precedent over the gospel in my life.

The great news is that Christ has died for these sins and is drawing us to repentance in Him, though we need to be killing sin before it kills us to quote Owen. In doing this I press on in perseverance to the day of Christ Jesus which hopefully will come quickly.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Jacob's View of the Holiness of God

I was reading in Genesis the other when something that Jacob said caught my attention. It was after he had wrestled with God at the end of Chapter 32 when he said:

"I have seen God face to face, yet my life has been preserved." Genesis 32:30

In this verse Jacob realizes that He was allowed to see God and out of God's mercy He is still alive afterward. I believed that the reason that Jacob is so astonished at this is because by seeing God's face he realizes his vast shortcomings before God. He realizes how small he is in comparison, as well as, how holy God is and how sinful he is. The fact that even by seeing God one was supposed to die is quite a remarkable statement about the perfection of God.

I pray that I realize more and more everyday how holy God really is and how utterly sinful I really am. I pray this so that the cross of Christ will become bigger and more powerful in my own life. I also pray this prayer for everyone. I pray it because when viewing this the gospel is of utter importance to each and every person. As Spurgeon said, "When your sin is small, Your savior will be small also."

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Something to Make You Smile

I came across this article on the front page of Yahoo!. Once you read the article you will find why this is so fascinating that this actually made the front page of a major website.

The article is about a man winning the Wolrd Air Guitar Championship. Yes this is real. Here is the story.

One of the highlights of the article reads:

"Apart from the glory, he received a custom-made Flying Finn electric guitar worth $3,400"

Have a good Saturday.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Convicting Quote

I hears this quote the other night while I was listening to the revival hymn (which if you haven't heard you should).

It says:

"We're in grave danger when we let accomplishment become the basis for our confidence."

This quote only shows me more that all they have to boast in is Jesus Christ.